HOT NEWs Please read it all..
Serve the City would like to invite you to a “Serve The Servers dinner” with the team. Even though you have only served one time or you haven’t served for several years we still consider you part of STC and would like to share this time with you. Covid has stopped many people from stepping out but hopefully that is at an end. Please join us. Come enjoy a free aperitif dinner, meet other volunteers and find out more about our future Serve The City projects.
Friday 2 December from 7.30 pm
Refettorio Geneva – Rue de Lyon 120 – 1203 Geneva
Parking found just across the street at Charmilles.
Please sign up early as we only have room for 60. First come, first served.
Gary Vannatter, the STC team and chef Walter el Nagar hope you can join this special event! P.S. We need 4 volunteers, who have never served at any of our events, to help serving the food that evening and earn a red shirt – sign up here

Wednesday, December 21st Fun Christmas Event for Clair Blois children from 9h00 to 18h:00 (with breaks)
We have a big Christmas Party planned for the Handicapped kids over at Clair Bois. This is a wonderful time to help entertain the kids (and their care givers). Parents too will be part of the festivities. If any of you sing (Christmas songs), dance, juggle or play an instrument do consider participating in the animation part of the program. STC will be hosting by serving the drinks, the food goodies, setup/clean-up, decorations etc. Do come and be a part of this heartwarming event!
Complete details of options will be provided to you upon signing up. If you don’t see an option that suits you or you have date conflicts you can also sign-out of the event so we can find replacements.
Event: Wednesday, December 21st 9h00 to 18h (with breaks). Or signup for setup or party program. Signup now on the website.
Samedi du Partage
We are desperately needing you help to help with food collection for the marginalised of the community.Partage supplies over 100 institutions with needed food and materials which we can be a part of.Do find one of our stores on Friday afternoon an/or Saturday (3 time slots) the 25th and 26 of Nov. See the last Newsletter for more information.