Serve The City Geneva

Serve the City needs you

Greetings, all Serve the City Geneva volunteers.

We have a couple of announcements for you…1. we could use your help and 2. we would love you to come and join us for a Galla Dinner Thursday 30 January.

We have an immediate demand for some additional help in sorting the goods collected from the Samedi du Partage food collection last month.   If you or you and your group,  can come and help us, we’ve got three days of service that we have promised to full fill with Partage. And it would be fantastic if we could get some help sorting all of these generous goods that have been collected from the generosity of the shoppers of Geneva. The result will be servicing 5,000 people per month with these donations, and we’ve got to make sure that they are all sorted so they can be distributed properly. We have booked 3 more days this month and would appreciate your help.  The xxx project has been postponed due to lack of participants, and hope to reschedule later this year.

On January 29th, Wednesday, the Biopark is looking for some help to help restore the camel enclosures and perhaps some other things. If you are free on that day,  I would appreciate very much signing on the website. Other information will be distributed on your sign-up.

And lastly, just a special invitation for all of you who in the past couple of years have at least participated in one Serve the City event. We would like to honour you and thank you, by inviting you to a dinner on Thursday evening 30 January at 18:30. The dinner will be held at the Soup Kitchen right across the street from the train station, so there’s plenty of parking. And we look forward to seeing you and being able to introduce to you the STC team and other volunteers that have been working so hard over the past several months. And we look forward to joining this special dinner occasion. Please signup early to insure your place.

If you have never participated and you do not have a red shirt, you are also invited to participate. We are looking for volunteers to serve at the dinner. . So if you’re willing to come maybe an hour early and help set up the tables, serve the meal and clean up the tables, we would love to have you. We need about a half a dozen new registered sign-ups and look forward to meeting you. And you can also meet those involved with Serve the City volunteering and administration. Thank you very much for your sign-ups found on the website. We look forward to seeing you at the end of the month and trust that you will continue to enjoy working with Serve the City to help the marginalized people of the community.

Thank you very much. Serve the City team.