Serve The City Geneva

Help needed in June

Dear Volunteers,

We hope you are all safe and well. We have several needs and offers to help those who are homeless and hungry, for the month of June.

Volunteers are needed to make sandwiches once a week

Our first need is to find 6 sandwich makers for the Soup Kitchen at Montbrillant. The job is making 70 sandwiches once a week either for the Tuesday or Wednesday delivery. You and your team will help feeding the 200 people per day needing a meal. The soup kitchen itself cannot yet open due to distancing problems, so we help prepare take-away meals. Each week you drop the wrapped sandwiches at the side entrance about 10am for distribution. Thanks very much for helping those who are suffering even more during these special times.

Volunteers to help prepare take-away boxes:

Serve the City needs helpers to prepare 200 take-away meals, Tue thru Sat in June. The volunteers are needed as of 11:00. The location is the kitchen of Salvation Army at 1, Rue de la Vallée, Geneva” in the old town. Please sign up and we will send more information and confirmation as things progress.

Volunteers with cars to deliver take-away boxes:

Serve the City needs people with cars to deliver lunch-boxes from the kitchen of Salvation Army to their 3 to 4 other locations, all within 15 minute driving distance from the kitchen at 1, Rue de la Vallée, Geneva. Drivers need to arrive at about 10:30 am to the kitchen, take the crates and deliver to the indicated locations. Depending on availabilities and size of cars, one driver can do all 3 deliveries in one day or multiple drivers can share the daily task. Please sign up if you are able to help on one or more days and perhaps thru June.

Do sign up soon at and project leaders can provide needed information.