Serve The City Geneva

Serve the City Newsletter – Partage sorting

Dear volunteers,

Now we have done it! STC volunteers did a fantastic job, thank you so much! Samedi du Partage collected many pallets of products to be consolidated so it can be distributed where needed.

To help us with this, if only for 1 morning, please do come along and bring a friend or two! For safety reasons, due to the heavy containers and bins, they ask for only those 16 yrs or over. (We suppose if you look 16 that would work too!) They were not checking IDs last year…!

Samedi du Partage collected 2,000 tons of contributions, so now it needs to be sorted so folks in need can access it.!!

Starting in July, STC will need 10 volunteers each Monday and Wednesday morning from 8 to 11:45. Route de la Galaise 19A, 1228 Plan-Les-Ouates, 2nd floor.

Please indicate your Monday and or Wednesday dates, listed here; Mon. July 11,18,25 Tues. July 6,13,20,27.

Use COMMENTS to indicate your Help/s day.

If you would rather not do the walking around, we do need someone to look after sign-ups from their home computer!

On the 3rd floor, we are still creating 5,000 food bags per week for the marginalized of the community who have been affected by the economic effects of Covid. Signups there are also very much appreciated!

The dates for sorting after Samedi du partage for 10 pepole.




What is under a Red Shirt? One would expect a heart that enjoys helping others. One who wants to make a difference, Someone who want to pay back to the community. Someone who has a servants heart. Someone who needs to earn service hours to complete a project. There are many reasons and all of them are respected and appreciated. Serve the City Geneva has over 3,000 registered volunteers and many have registered and participated in at least one of our many projects. It came to my attention a couple of times in the past few weeks something that I wanted to share.

The first was a party at Carrefour Rue to honor a couple of ladies retiring after many years of service. All the staff of CR were in attendance and many invited guests. The event had CR staff , photographers and CR supporters. There were over a half a dozen STC volunteers and I was the only one in a red shirt. It was also a publicity event for CR brochures, new releases and appreciation to all. I feel why does one not feel proud to be a benevol and show it? Next other events when people arrive at the project, put on their shirt, then take it off to ride to bus home. One would think that if you were happy to share your servants heart, you would make use of the shirt whenever possible. Perhaps you would be the one who someone might be asked “Who is Serve the City” and they may be one of our next volunteers. We have over 3,000 registered volunteers and most of them have found a project to help with. If you have worked on one of our events but have not yet received a red shirt do communicate with us at INFO. But don’t think we will not be asking you to wear it.. We at Serve the City are so proud of you! Willing to be registered to our organization looking for the right time and place to be of service. This is one amazing team and group of people. Blessing to all.