Serve The City Geneva

Serve the city Geneva Newsletter July

OK.. Some Saturday Projects too!…


Over the years STC has been working with La Garenne Animal Park.

The park relocated on new land and it reopened in 2016.

The new park La Garenne possess the biggest aviary in Europe, Visitors can walk among rock walls where the birds build their nests.[3][4]

Since its creation, La Garenne has been an important actor in the care and rehabilitation of wild animals found by people in the area. Its care center is still in operation, and more than 1600 animals of many species have been released to the wild after care in the center. Every year approximately 450 animals are brought to the center. Of that number, 40% will be released in the wild. Some animals will get a home in other zoos. Handicapped animals are often kept in the zoo for reproduction.

We have several projects on offer from them. We would like to suggest Saturday 24 July for the request below.

At the moment the other projects are available for any time of your choice. If you feel you would need help on the project which you cannot find let STC know and we will try to help you get a team together.  It’s a great park to visit and work in and we are greatly appreciated there and all found it very interesting. Language is not a problem and more information is found on the website

Bonjour Serve the City,

Le projet que nous voudrons faire rapidement c’est de remplacer des meubles. Il nous faudrait des mains pour sortir des meubles, nettoyer les emplacements et monter des étagères IKEA. 

Donc, des personnes qui pourront porter du poids et d’autres à l’aise pour monter les meubles IKEA. Je dirais 6 ou 7 personnes pour une journée entière, à partir de 9h00 le matin – 15.  Lunch included.

MERCI par avance et meilleures salutations,


The project we will want to do quickly is to replace furniture. We would need hands to get out furniture, clean spaces and put up IKEA shelves.

So people who can carry weight and others who are comfortable putting together IKEA furniture. I would say 6 or 7 people , starting at 9:00 am in the morning until 3. Lunch included.

THANKS in advance and best regards,

Actuellement, plusieurs projets sont en cours à La Garenne :

1.- construire un stockage de foin, mon collègue a déjà commencé cette construction avec l’aide d’un stagiaire.

2.- construire une citerne pour stocker l’eau, nous avons commandé et reçu les pièces détachées. Ce projet doit se faire assez rapidement.

3.-  remplacer les meubles de rangement de nos bureaux. Nous devrons vider les vieilles étagères de nos bureaux, nettoyer les emplacements et auront des meubles IKEA à monter et mettre en place. 

4.- refaire certains tronçons de nos chemins, délavés par les fortes pluies successives, remettre du tour-venant fin. 

5.- et bien sûr l’entretien du potager.

Pour l’un et l’autre de ces projets, les participants devront pouvoir porter certains poids, être habiles dans la construction et savoir travailler en équipe. Si j’ose dire, ces projets ne sont pas adaptés pour les bénévoles enfants ou adolescents. 

except #5

Currently, several projects are underway at La Garenne:

1.- build a hay storage, my colleague has already started this construction with the help of an intern.

2.- build a cistern to store water, we ordered and received the spare parts. This project must be done fairly quickly.

3.- replace the storage furniture in our offices. We will have to empty the old shelves in our offices, clean the spaces and have IKEA furniture to assemble and set up.

4.- redo some sections of our paths, washed out by successive heavy rains, put back the end of the turn-coming.

5.- and of course the maintenance of the vegetable garden.

For either of these projects, participants will need to be able to carry certain weights, be skilled in construction and know how to work as a team. If I may say so, these projects are not suitable for child or adolescent volunteers. Except perhaps the garden project.

La Garenne

Route du Bois-Laurent 1

CH-1261 Le Vaud

+41 22 366 11 14


Sunday  18th July 2021

The project: 4-6 helpers required to prepare & help in construction of sand pit for young visitors to Bioparc. 9h-13h

Our 3 regular projects are still in need of volunteers (check signups for more info)

Sandwich Program:

Food Packing Project:

Food Sorting from Samdi du Portage collection: