Serve The City Geneva

Activities with the Salvation Army (Armée du Salut)

Part of the international Salvation Army movement serving the needy and marginalised, the Geneva branch has a strong presence in the city, with a night shelter, the Résidence Amitié (a medico-social establishment for the elderly or dependent), the Centre-d’Espoir (providing accommodation and workshops for those with disabilities) and a charity shop raising money to fund its services.


Serve the City most commonly provides volunteers to help serve breakfast at the Salvation Army’s night shelter. Open seven nights a week, the shelter caters for those in need of short-term emergency accommodation: its 40 beds are each available for 15 CHF per night for a limited time, with an evening meal and breakfast included. During the winter, the shelter also provides midday meals.

Activities with the Salvation Army

Volunteering opportunities here are usually early morning on Saturdays. We simply ask volunteers to help set up and clear away the breakfast buffet and trays. The shelter has a small kitchen and some basic provisions so any additional supplies that Serve the City volunteers provide are welcome. Given the minimal preparation required for breakfasts, this is an ideal opportunity to meet and chat to some of the people using the services.

We also sometimes provide volunteers to help prepare the evening meals or lunches during the winter.

Where they are

Night shelter :

Accueil de Nuit

Chemin Galiffe 4

1201 Geneva 


Other Salvation Army services:

Résidence Amitié

Etablissement médico-social

Rue Baudit 1

1201 Geneva



Foyer d’hébergement protégé et de réinsertion sociale

Rue Jean-Dassier 10

1201 Geneva


Second-hand shop

Route de Chêne 18-20

1207 Geneva


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