Serve The City Geneva

Urgent request for volunteers Saturday 1 June

Many of you may have read in last newsletter about our next big project..(duplicated below)

Samdi du Partage is a large famtastic program to collect good for the needy of Geneva.

It offer help to the marginalized in the community for the next 6 months.

We are very short of volunteers this year and would very much appreciate your help by signing up for the event with your prefered time slot.. Bring your family and friends.. Many thanks for your quick reply.

  The Serve the City team..

May Newsletter

Here we are in May once again, and at the end of the month is one of our communities largest events and we are proud to be part of it!   On Friday 31 May and 1 June, Samedi du Partage enlists over 90 stores to participate in collecting goods for the needy of the area. Serve the City has committed to send volunteers to 8 of these stores and we hope you and your family can be part of this event.  For those not familiar with the program we hand out bags to those entering your store and then another volunteer at the cashier, sorting the contributions.  The 8 different stores have 4 different time slots available for your participation.  Friday at 15h30 or 3 slots on Saturday.  Do signup for a spot early!  And many thanks for your continued participation to help those in need. 

May Newsletter

To all registered Serve the City volunteer, and those on the internet who would like to help those in need.

Here we are in May once again, and at the end of the month is one of our communities largest events and we are proud to be part of it!   On Friday 31 May and 1 June, Samedi du Partage enlists over 90 stores to participate in collecting goods for the needy of the area. Serve the City has committed to send volunteers to 8 of these stores and we hope you and your family can be part of this event.  For those not familiar with the program we hand out bags to those entering your store and then another volunteer at the cashier, sortingthe contributions.  The 8 different stores have 4 different time slots available for your participation.  Friday at 15h30 or 3 slots on Saturday.  Do signup for a spot early!  And many thanks for your continued participation to help those in need. 

The 1 June BioParc activity will be postponed until 8th of  June!

 Other activities like the soup kitchen are still noted on our current activities list.

Many thanks to all.   The Serve the City Geneva team

March STC newsletter

The Serve the City always looking for helpers.. We have one coming up this coming Saturday.

On 23 March – Bioparc animal sanctuary, Bellevue, Geneva needs help to prepare a water system, pathways for wheelchair and a theatre area for children. 9-1pm. Further information will be shared once you register. Thank you.

We are continuing to pack 5,000 food bags a week at the Partage offices in plan-les-Ouates just off the freeway.

Do help those in need preparing these help packages until the end of April. 

Abudaby free clothing center is looking for helpers and Clothes, shoes and accessories for men, women and children. Especially for men. Shoes – mostly sneakers or any kind of comfortable street shoes.  Signup for helping or donations to get more information.

Also other projects can be found with the Salvation Army with a few other opportunities to be of service.

The computer system is now be set up to respond to your signing into your account you automatically will get a 3 year renewal to our newsletter (which you can always cancel).   After 3 years you will have to register once again to get on our mailing list..

Many thanks for your continued support the STC Geneva team..

Serve the City Geneva – January Newsletter

Happy New Year to all Serve the City Geneva volunteers.

We hope you had a chance to serve the community this past year. If not, 2024 should be a great year to be of service to all those marginalized in need of help or a loving arm. 

Just a brief recap of 2023 for those wondering what we have been able to accomplish last year. As we know: Many people doing small things together can make a big difference!

            Starting with Samedi du Partage: Serve the City Geneva provided over 150 volunteers, contributing 600 hours of service for sorting and packing of the donated food and other goods.

            75 STC volunteers (47 of them first-time-volunteers) contributed just under 5.000 hours of service for the Carrefour Rue soup kitchen at Montbrillant

            For environmental projects the Bioparc in Bellevue was a very popular weekend service opportunity. STC provided 150 volunteers (almost 20 volunteers were 1st timers) for another 600 hours of service.

            20 STC volunteers (assisted by many other helpers) helped Aboudaby in distributing free clothing on 88 days in 2023 (44 weeks) for 3 hours every day. 

           Other projects included:

– serving meals 7 days a week to refugees with the Salvation Army,

– evening meal service at Refettorio,

– Christmas projects with Carrefour Rue,

 – Party for handicapped children at Clair Bois, and several other events…  

So, in total, in 2023 over 300 Serve the City Geneva volunteers contributed over 1200 hours of service to the community..

A GREAT YEAR! Many thanks to all who participated and supported STC in many ways.

Current needs:  We urgently need to collect a large quantity of men’s and women’s clothing (mostly winter clothes) for refugees and other people in need in Geneva.

Do you have any clothes to donate? Do you have any friends, neighbors or colleagues who have clothes to donate? Please check the Aboudaby projects on our website for delivery information.

Another current need is from Partage. They are just finishing up sorting and inventory of all the goods received on the Samedi du Partage.

They are short of help this week on Wednesday and Thursday.  I have booked STC for 5 persons on Thursday morning, but if you are free to drop in on Wednesday, we are sure they would be happy to see you.

The need for getting at least some minimal amount of groceries to those in need has not diminished. Partage has been given the funding to continue the food packing project at least until the end of April.  Currently 5,000 food bags are being distributed per week to various centers throughout the city. They tell me that the number is increasing and may be jumping up to 6,000 bags. Three days a week we are helping to prepare these grocery bags.  Do consider lending a hand. If you want to bring a group of volunteers, sign up at to select a date.

Do keep an eye on our webpage for available activities.

Thanks to all   The Serve the City Geneva team

December Newsletter

Clothes Needed! Your action is urgently required!

Aboudaby: They have run out of men clothes, can you help? Speak to your friends, family, neighbours, share the task, let`s mobilise our networks and make sure we can make a difference!   You can donate men and women winter clothes.

Collection points:  Aboudaby, Rte de Malagnou 154, 1224 Chêne-Bougeries (preferably on Wednesday and Friday 2-5pm)  OR

Villa Baulacre, Rue Elisabeth-Baulacre 10, 1202 Genève.  If locked just leave clothes on front porch.  For questions use the Aboudaby project signup link.

Sharing Saturday: What a great success! Last weekend our volunteers mobilised around Geneva and Vaud, we had 8% more products than in June 2023! In Geneva we were able to collect 197.5 tons of food and hygiene products and 70 tons in Vaud! Thank you to all of you that participated.

Partage Sorting: With the great results from last weekend, we need 10 volunteers to help sorting everything. The sorting will take place on 22-23 January and 8 February, if you can, please sign up on the website www,

Sorting will take place at Fondation Partage (Espace Tourbillon, Route de la Galaise 19A – 1228 Plan-les-Ouates (Bâtiment D). A Map is found on the STC homepage.

Point d’Eau / Carrefour Rue: They need your help!

Point d’Eau is a free shower and laundry service, another service provided by Carrefour Rue.   They are  looking for volunteers to replace normal staff for a couple of weeks.  The job is to welcome visitors, general maintenance (clean showers, disinfect places, helping with the laundry, etc) and talk to the visitors, informing people of places to eat, sleep and find help.

             Dates: December 18 – 29 (weekends and Mondays not included). 

Times: 12:45 to 16:30h

Sign up on the website for more information and any questions you may have.

L’Escalade 2023: We hope you can or have enjoyed the Geneva Escalade on Saturday..